Get an instant overview of progress with the new Upwave dashboard and team page

We have now launched a new dashboard, which will enable all users to easily monitor how their teams and projects are progressing.


With the new dashboard, you get an overview of:

  • Card completion rate
  • Cards overdue
  • When boards were last updated
  • Board members
  • What team a board belongs to


Workspace dashboard
The dashboard will be available at the workspace level, see attached screenshot below.

New dashboard_screenshot

Team page
In addition, you will get a similar team page, where you get progress overviews at the team level. With this update, it will be easy to pick up your work and see where action may be required.

New dashboard_marketing team (1)

The navigation has been moved to the top and made consistent throughout the platform.

New dashboard_gifRead more about navigation on our helpdesk.

What’s next
As bigger teams and enterprises are using Upwave, we are working on ways to help them monitor performance, and take action. This update is a continuation of our strategy where we want to support their needs, without sacrificing usability.

Our short term product roadmap will further build on this and includes:

  • New team calendar
  • Team reports – get portfolio overview of progress across boards in a team
  • Team analytics – graphic overview of a team’s progress and activity


As always, we welcome feedback and improvement suggestions!


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