
Get started in a breeze with our free templates.

Business templates

Sales pipeline

Get control over your leads and follow them through the pipeline to close the sale.

Hiring process

Evaluate candidates and follow them trough the hiring process.

Content marketing

Create, distribute and manage your content ideas.

Employee onboarding

Create a direct and effective integration program for new hires.

Weekly meeting

Structure your weekly meetings so you and your team are up to speed on what is going on.

Risk Matrix

Use the Risk Matrix to identify, delegate and resolve risks.

Simple To-Do

Manage your to-do lists by using this simple Kanban board.

One Minute To-Do List

Organize you work in 60 seconds with the One Minute To-Do List.

Framework templates

Getting Things Done (GTD)

Use Getting Things Done to organize everything in your life

Zen To Done (ZTD)

Use the Zen To Done productivity system to develop productive habits.

Business Model Canvas

Visualize your entire business model on one page by using the Business Model Canvas.

Eisenhower Matrise

Eisehnhower Matrix is used to prioritize your tasks and manage your time more efficiently.

Action Priority Matrix

Use the Action Priority Matrix to evaluate your tasks based on impact and effort.

Scrum (advanced)

Use our scrum template to implement agile project management in your team


Understand your strengths and weakness, and identify external opportunities and threats.

Lean Canvas

Use Lean Canvas to find customer problems worth solving.

Ready to get started?

Explore Upwave on your own or contact us to learn more.