A Quick Guide to Getting Started With Project Management
An introduction to the world of organizing tasks, people and goals
An introduction to the world of organizing tasks, people and goals
Have you noticed that tasks and projects always take longer than you think they will? We have a tendency to underestimate how long something will take, even when we are aware of this tendency and try to compensate for it. This observation is known as the Hofstadter’s Law, which tie into the Planning Fallacy. Hofstadter’s … Read more
The Kanban method was originally invented as a part of the famous Toyota Production System in the 1940s. In the 2000s, Kanban was adopted into software development when Microsoft’s software development team wanted a better system for fixing bugs in their product. Today, Kanban helps teams manage both daily tasks, big projects, bug tracking, editorial … Read more
You can now track time on your tasks and set time estimates directly in Upwave! [wpvideo 9ISENDd2] Manage your time with Upwave Easily track the time you spend on a task by using the automatic timer feature inside a card or by creating manual time entries. Set time estimates to make sure you stay … Read more
The SWOT-matrix is a strategic planning tool used to understand and identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in an organization. Strengths: Which characteristics of the business or project gives it an advantage over others? Weaknesses: Which characteristics of the business or project places it at a disadvantage relative to others? Opportunities: Which elements in the … Read more
UpWave – Task Management for Teams Made easy Here at UpWave we are dedicated to empowering teams to get more done together and simplify work processes. If you already are a user of UpWave there’s a chance you are familiar with agile processes, and may have heard about Scrum and Kanban. If the previous sentence filled you … Read more